Campus Life

Student Council

Each year, the Upper School student body elects representatives for the Student Council. Elected leadership is comprised of Co-Presidents for the Student Council and at each grade level, providing equal leadership opportunities for male and female students.

The Student Council’s purpose is to serve the needs of their fellow students by encouraging positive engagement in the Nichols community consistent with the core values of the school.

Throughout the school year, the Student Council plans and implements activities designed to foster healthy relationships between students within the school community. We also endeavor to develop relationships between the school community and the Western New York community at large through sponsored activities on campus, food drives and civic engagement off campus.

Lastly, Student Council also provides Nichols Students a forum for students to engage in constructive discussion about school life to be shared with the adult leaders of the school.

Middle School Prefect System

In the spring, two 7th graders from each house are elected to be prefects for their 8th grade year. These prefects are leaders of their houses, and they act as team captains and as liaisons between students and the Middle School administration. Prefects help to organize and run student activities like Field Day, the annual broomball tournament, the geography and spelling bees, monthly box-top collections, participation in fundraising activities and more.

About Us

Nichols School is a nationally recognized college preparatory coed independent school with a 130-year history.
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